
Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) for healthcare and medical

The Australian Government engages with critical infrastructure industries through the Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN).

In TISN, industry representatives are grouped by industry sector. TISN sectors enable critical infrastructure owners and operators to share information on threats and vulnerabilities. The sectors also allow you to collaborate on appropriate measures to mitigate risk and boost resilience.

The Australian Government supports each sector group, both with secretariat support and with subject matter expertise.

If you own or operate a healthcare or medical critical infrastructure asset, you will likely be able to join the Health Sector Group in TISN. If your asset intersects with multiple sectors, you may also be able to join other TISN sector groups. For the healthcare and medical industry, this may include the Education and Research Sector Group.

To join the TISN, email cir@homeaffairs.gov.au.