
About the Organisational Resilience HealthCheck Tool

​​​​​​​​The Organisational Resilience HealthCheck Tool (HealthCheck Tool) is a government initiative developed with the Trusted Information Sharing Network’s Resilience Expert Advisory Group (REAG).

This is a free self-assessment tool to help your organisation evaluate its resilience capabilities.

The HealthCheck Tool invites participants to assess and rate their organisation across 13 resilience indicators:

  1. Leadership
  2. Decision Making
  3. Situational Awareness
  4. Creativity and Innovation
  5. Employee Engagement
  6. Collaboration
  7. Resource Management
  8. Knowledge Management
  9. Silo Mentality
  10. Exercise Management
  11. Foresight
  12. Unity of Purpose
  13. Proactive Posture

These resilience indicators are the foundation for business-as-usual effectiveness. They contribute to robust and agile response and recovery capabilities.

This HealthCheck Tool was first developed in 2015. The University of Tasmania, with support from the REAG, comprehensively updated the tool between 2023 and 2024. This ensures it has the latest contemporary methodologies for enhancing organisational resilience.

Updating the HealthCheck Tool is a key initiative of the Australian Government’s 2023 Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategy.

You should continually strive to access, review and understand:

  • existing federal, state and territory government plans and legislation about owning and operating critical infrastructure
  • information and intelligence products to inform your risk management strategies.

Access the HealthCheck Tool